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Understand The Benefits Of Robot-Assisted Exercise

An Approachable Outlet

Kids are bursting with energy. Even with neurotypical children who play with their peers all day long, many parents can’t keep up. For children with autism who shy away from the social play with their peers, this can create a complicated situation. 

The child may have pent-up energy and the parents feel a heavy burden to make sure all their child’s exercise and play needs are met – all without overwhelming their child.

But children with autism still need an outlet for their imaginations, energy, and growing minds. Using a programmable robot toy takes some of the burdens away from the adults in the child’s life, serving a peer-like role to encourage exercise and play.

Children with autism may feel more comfortable exercising and playing with a robot since the robot’s algorithm is more predictable and less erratic than the behavior of other children.

Robot-guided physical exercises let kids move their bodies in ways that may be difficult for them to do when other children are around – allowing children with autism to work on improving motor skills. Physical learning with robot-assisted instruction can reduce anxiety, which is often a significant barrier for children receiving physical therapy treatment, especially for those with autism.

Developing Social Skills in a Controlled Environment

Exercise and play are both crucial ways for children to develop social skills. Having the robot nearby can help break the ice of a social play session. Robots are a less intimidating, easier companion for many kids with autism. 

The robot can help children feel comfortable enough to let loose and enjoy the moment. They can help children by providing positive outlets for their energy without creating stress and without being psychologically taxing. Robots have been used to help children with autism learn how to share, take turns, and build other crucial skills.