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What Is A Fully Insulated Foundation?

If you are considering the purchase of a new home, or if you are remodeling your current one, it is important that you know what to look for in a foundation. In this article, we will take a closer look at what a fully insulated foundation is and why this type of foundation might be the best option for your project.

A fully insulated foundation is one that has air space around the entire floor and ceiling. The air space between the insulation and the foundation is filled with a material like fiberglass that absorbs any liquid spills. You can also easily get them online through companies like MAXRaft.

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Cons of a Fully Insulated Foundation

One of the cons of a fully-insulated foundation is that it is more expensive than a less-insulated foundation. A less-insulated foundation is made up of wood or concrete and generally costs about $1,500 for the entire house. A fully-insulated foundation will typically cost around $3,000 to build and could cost more depending on the size and design of your home.

Benefits of a Fully Insulated Foundation

A fully insulated foundation is the perfect way to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. A properly insulated basement will not allow cold air from entering into your home, which means no drafts or cold, miserable nights. The best part about having a fully insulated foundation is that it also keeps your energy bill low!