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All About Electric Brake Controller

When it comes to trailers, a few basic things are necessary. A brake controller is one of those items; you will find brakes to be an important safety feature on your trailer. If you were looking for the best electric brake controller, look no further than Trailer Brake Controller from The Company Store!

What is an Electric Trailer Brake Controller?

Electric trailer brakes are controllers that help haul trailers by applying the brakes on the trailer to the tow vehicle. There are two types of electric brake controllers, those with a built-in controller and those with an external controller. Both have their pros and cons, but the built-in type is generally considered to be more reliable.

Why Use a Brake Controller?

Electric brake controllers are a great way to improve your braking performance. By using the controller, you can more accurately determine when you need to apply the brakes, which can save you time and potential accidents. Additionally, brake controllers can help to prevent skidding and provide a more consistent feel when braking. If you're looking to upgrade your braking system, consider investing in an electric brake controller.

Types of Brake Controllers

Electric brake controllers are available in a variety of types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The three most common types of brake controllers are hydraulic, mechanical, and electronic. 

Hydraulic brake controllers use hydraulic pressure to activate the brakes. This is the most popular type of brake controller because it is easy to use and reliable. Hydraulic brake controllers can be mounted on the wheel hub or the frame. They are usually the least expensive option and require no installation.

Mechanical brake controllers use a motor to activate the brakes. This type of controller is more expensive than hydraulic controllers but is more reliable. Mechanical brake controllers can be mounted on the wheel hub or the frame. They are usually the most popular option because they are easier to use and require less installation than electronic or hydraulic controllers.

Electronic brake controllers use electronic sensors to detect when the vehicle has stopped. This type of controller is more reliable than mechanical and hydraulic controllers but is more difficult to use and requires installation. Electronic brake controllers can be mounted on the wheel hub or the frame.