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All About Oil Recovery System

SAS-ES received many samples of oil slurry tailings, for this particular project the samples provided were black, oil color, and rich in oil. A sample is taken from the slurry at the bottom of the crude oil storage tank and sent to us by one of our customers to try to achieve a three-phase separation of oil, water, and solids.

In order to successfully recover any available oil and remove as much water and sludge as possible, SAS-ES uses standard screening test procedures to achieve the most effective results. There are some companies that provide Used Oil Recovery Services in Australia.

The waste sample was directly dosed with 0.5% SAS-ES product. The sample was then shaken vigorously for 30 seconds and centrifuged in a rotary centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 2 minutes. The sample is not diluted with water or a hydrocarbon solvent.

SAS SlopTreat 135SC product is added to sewage sludge in a dosage range of 0.20% – 0.75%. After dosing, the standard line mix ensures good contact between the product and the waste. The decanter centrifuge then treats the waste to remove solids.

A comprehensive analysis of recovered solids, and recovered oil, was carried out and the water phase. It was the SAS SlopTreat 135SC product was added to the waste slops in a variety of dose rates that ranged from 0.20 percent to 0.75 percent.