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How Much Work Does It Take To Be A Pro Photographer?

When it comes to professional event photographers, Calgary definitely shines as the best city in Canada. In fact, according to the Canadian Event Photographers Association (CEPA), Calgary is home to one of the highest concentrations of professional event photographers in the country. To learn more about the opportunities available in Calgary, check out the links below. And with good reason: The city has everything you need to make a successful career as a professional event photographer.

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There are plenty of opportunities to get started as a professional event photographer in Calgary. First and foremost, the city is home to several major institutions that host many events each year. These include the Calgary Stampede, the BMO Financial Group Tour de Alberta, and the Global Petroleum Showcase. Additionally, Calgary is home to several well-established photo studios, which means there’s always plenty of work available for talented photographers.

Professional event photography isn’t just about capturing stunning images; it’s also about being able to handle difficult assignments with ease. That’s why Calgary is such a great place to start your professional career as a photographer. With its ample supply of photo opportunities and experienced professionals, you’ll be able to build a successful business quickly in Calgary.  So if you want to make your mark in the photography world, it might just be time to come to Calgary.