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How to Deal With Dog Aggression

If you're like most people, you love your dog and would do anything to keep them safe. Unfortunately, some dogs can become aggressive when they're feeling threatened or angry. If this is happening to your dog, there are a few things you can do to address the problem.

The first step is to understand why your dog is becoming aggressive. Sometimes an animal can become aggressive when they feel cornered or threatened. If this is the case with your dog, make sure to provide plenty of space for him and keep him away from other animals or people he may be afraid of. If your dog is biting you or others, restraining him until he calms down is essential. You can also look for puppy aggression training through various online sources.

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Once you know why your dog is becoming aggressive, the next step is to find out how to stop the behavior. This can be a bit harder than it sounds because aggression is often a sign of fear or insecurity. In order to address the underlying issue, you'll need to start by treating your dog like he's someone he loves- not someone he's afraid of.

This means giving him positive reinforcement for good behavior and punishing him for bad behavior. You should also set boundaries in order to ensure that your dog knows where his

There's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how to deal with dog aggression, but understanding your pup's body language can help you get a good start. Here are things to keep in mind: 

1) Posture: Dogs that are feeling threatened or angry will often stand tall and stiff, with their ears back and their tails straight. If your dog adopts this posture, give it some space and try not to engage it. 

2) Facial Expressions: When a dog is feeling aggressive, its face may show signs of anger (such as a raised lip), fear (pupils dilated), or frustration (furrowed brow). Again, these expressions vary from dog to dog, so it's important not to overreact if your pup displays any of them. 

3) Movement: If your dog is lunging at you or other family members, for example, it may be trying to intimidate them. Avoid getting close to the animal if possible; instead, try walking away slowly while maintaining eye contact. If that doesn't work, enlist the help of a qualified trainer or behaviorist.