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Pfas in Drinking Water: Things You Should Know

Drinking water can be a big part of your daily routine. However, not all drinking water is created equal. Contamination from industrial or agricultural chemicals can cause health diseases for those who drink contaminated water on a regular basis. 

PFAS in drinking water are compounds found in many forms of heavy industry and agriculture that can cause harm if ingested at high levels. Luckily, this compound has been restricted by the EPA and other regulatory bodies because of its toxicity to humans and the environment. 

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What are PFAS? - EHN

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What is PFAS?

PFAS is an abbreviation for perfluoroalkyl substances. These are man-made chemicals that have been used in a variety of applications, including in the manufacturing of products such as Teflon and nonstick cookware. PFAS have also been used in firefighting foam and to protect military aircraft from corrosion.

What are the health risks associated with PFAS?

Studies have found that people who are exposed to high levels of PFAS are more likely to develop obesity, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. 

How did PFAS get into the water?

PFAS got into the water by being released from consumer products that were made with these chemicals. These products often contained plastics and other materials that took up the PFAS.

PFAS are chemicals that have been found to be harmful to human health. They can be found in many types of water, including municipal and groundwater sources.