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Symptoms And Treatment Of Sleep Apnea

There are numerous symptoms that telltales, such as excessive sleepiness throughout the day, feeling less well-rested, frequent headaches or heartburn, frequent urination at midnight, loud snoring, and instances of breathing problems when you sleep. All these issues can result in an increase in sleep loss, also called the debt of sleep.

The sleep study could be scary. They hook you to a plethora of electrodes and wires and film you while you are asleep. Many times you will have to go through the sleep study twice: once for diagnosis, and the second time to determine the best treatment.

There are numerous choices for treating sleep apnea.

  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices.
  • Surgery.
  • For minor sleep-related issues, easy lifestyle adjustments can be implemented.

Sleep apnea mouth equipment is used by dentists and orthodontists. When sleeping your tongue and jaw could block your airway. The mouthpiece can help to align your jaw, or keeps your tongue from obstructing your routine breathing. Generally, however, mouthpieces are only beneficial for those who suffer from moderate sleeping apnea.

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CPAP devices have become the most effective method for treating sleep apnea. A hose is connected to a device that maintains constant tension. The other side of the hose is attached to a mask that covers the mouth and nose only the nose or simply fits in your nostrils.

Surgery can help those who suffer from sleep apnea too. The surgery usually involves removing extra tissue from the throat or mouth. Sometimes shots are used to substitute the procedure. Other times plastic is surgically placed inside the extra tissue to stop it from bursting and restricting the airways of the body.