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The Importance Of Food Defense Training

Food defense training is an important part of food safety and security. Food Defense Training is a series of courses conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that provide training in food defense, which includes food safety, sanitation, and hygiene. 

The goal of these courses is to increase the awareness of food defense through knowledge of how to identify incidents and prevent them. Food defense training can be defined as the prevention of contamination or other security risks associated with foods such as biological, chemical, radiological, or physical hazards.

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Choosing a location for your training can be a difficult task. There are many things to consider before choosing the perfect place for your company's training. The most important factor is the amount of time you have to commit to your training. 

Some people may have enough time to commit, but others might not. Consider whether you have enough students, an appropriate venue, and other facilities that can accommodate your training needs. 

If you are planning on opening a restaurant, or don't want to be the next food poisoning headline, it is important that you attend Food Defense Training. Many factors can contribute to food being contaminated, from improper handling to improper storage.  

It's recommended that every employee takes a course at some point in their career. This allows individuals to learn about how to prevent contamination and keep their clients safe. 

It takes about a month for full food defense training. This includes classroom instruction, skills testing, skill practice, and hands-on experience in the lab.