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A Closer Look At The Curriculum Offered In Private Primary Schools In Toowoomba

Toowoomba is home to some of the best private primary schools in the country. These schools offer a variety of educational opportunities for students, with a focus on developing strong academic and social skills. This article will provide an overview of the curriculum and programs offered in these schools, as well as the benefits they can offer to students. 

Academic Curriculum: Private primary schools in Toowoomba provide a comprehensive academic curriculum that focuses on developing strong literacy and numeracy skills. The curriculum is designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to reach their individual learning potential. It also covers a range of other subject areas, including science, technology, humanities, and the arts. 

Extracurricular Activities: In addition to traditional academic subjects, private primary schools in Toowoomba also offer a range of extracurricular activities for students. These activities provide an opportunity for students to develop physical and social skills, as well as to explore their interests in a supportive environment. Popular extracurricular activities include sports, music, and the arts. 

Educational Support Services: Private primary schools in Toowoomba also provide educational support services for students who require additional assistance. These services can include specialist teachers, tutoring, and individualized learning plans. These services are designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve their learning goals. 


Private primary schools in Toowoomba offer a comprehensive curriculum and range of educational opportunities for students. The curriculum focuses on developing strong academic and social skills, while extracurricular activities and educational support services provide additional opportunities to explore interests and develop new skills.