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Khaddar Embroidered Kids Suit For A Unique Look

Khaddar is a very popular and versatile material that can be used for different purposes. This article gives information about traditional khaddar suits.

What is Khaddar?

Khaddar is a traditional embroidery technique of designing and executing cloth garments. The term khadar is derived from the Persian word khadar, meaning “a piece of cloth”.

There are many variations of khaddar, but it typically uses a variety of stitches and weaves to create an intricate design on a piece of fabric. Khaddar can be used for traditional clothing like an auld, which is a type of scarf, or for more contemporary styles like suits or dresses.

How to Order a Kids Embroidered Khaddar Suit

Khaddar embroidery is a popular style of embroidery in Pakistan. It is typically done on traditional clothing like the kurta and the pajama. Kids suits are a great way to show off your embroidery skills and have a unique look. You can either order a ready-made kids' suit or you can create your own embroidered suit. Here are some tips on how to order kids embroidered khaddar suits:

1. Start by doing some research on different embroidery techniques. There are many different stitches that can be used for embroidering a kid's suit, so it is important to choose the one that will look best on the fabric you are using. 

2. Once you have chosen the stitch, find a pattern that you like and start tracing it onto the fabric. Make sure to leave enough space around the pattern so that you can easily trace it again if necessary. 

3. Once you have traced the pattern, start stitching using straight stitches along the outline of the pattern. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of each row so that the fabric doesn't come apart during wear.