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Residual Stock Finance: An Overview

Residual stock finance is a type of business loan that uses a company’s existing stock as collateral for the loan. It’s similar to a traditional loan, except that the lender takes on the risk of the stock, instead of the company. This type of financing is generally used for short-term needs, such as working capital, inventory expansion, and other needs that require quick access to funds.

Benefits of Residual Stock Finance

The primary benefit of residuary stock finance is that it allows companies to access funds quickly and easily. This type of financing is also more flexible than traditional bank loans, as the lender doesn’t require the company to provide a business plan or extensive financials.

Additionally, residual stock finance can offer more competitive interest rates than traditional loans. This can be especially beneficial for companies that have a limited credit history or a low credit score.


Residual stock finance can be a great option for companies that need quick access to funds and are unable to secure a traditional loan. It offers more competitive interest rates than a traditional loan, and the lender doesn’t require the company to provide a business plan or extensive financials. However, it can be difficult to access, and the lender may be unable to recoup the full value of the loan if the company’s stock drops in value.