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Pre Finishing For A Gorgeous New Door

You have visited a manufacturer of doors. You've done your research. You have chosen the type of wood you prefer. You have decided how many wood panels are you interested in. You've decided whether to include glass. You have chosen the hinges, locking mechanism, and other hardware. 

You can't have a door that isn't made of bare wood. Doors will be exposed to moisture at different levels, even inside the house. Exterior doors will be more exposed than interior doors, as half of them will face rain, snow, wind, and the sun. The best door manufacturers in Arizona provides quality pre-finishing for your door so that the door can live long.

Door Installers

Asking the manufacturer for pre-finishing options will ensure the door is protected and looks beautiful. A door's appearance can be made shine by pre-finishing. Pre-finishing can give your door additional protection. You can choose from a range of pre-finishing options. It is done in-house, with the use of stains, glazes, topcoats, and other options. The best manufacturers offer a wide range of standard colors, as well as the ability to create custom colors.

These options could be used to mean many things to you. Professional application is the first. Prefinished doors are more appealing because they have been sanded 30 minutes per door. This ensures that the wood is ready for finishing. The application is done in a clean area, so no dust or particles can get in the way. The door is coated on all sides. This six-sided coating prevents moisture from reaching the wood. It is unlike other prefinished doors made by smaller companies, which only have two sides.